Blog :: Sep 13 11, 21:43
Sad Day
kay0042, (
I volunteer with the North Carolina HRC and Equality NC. We have been telling people about a gay marriage bill, senate bill 106 which is a bill that was passed through the NC senate yesterday and passed through the NC House today so it will be added to the primary voting.
The best way to describe this bill is to say it is the exact opposite of what happened for gay marriage in New York state. Not only does it make gay marriage illegal but it writes discrimination into our state constitution. I thought a constitution should protect the rights of all people, and should never be used to attack one group.
I am seriously thinking about moving away from NC, but were would I go?? Your State just might be next.
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My advise is to go out and vote against it on May. And to encourage people to do the same thing as well.